Uplifting Black Muslim Youth

Step 1: Identify Issues
In 2009, conversations with Black Muslim Youth leaders highlighted that existing Muslim youth programs were not culturally sensitive or accessible for Black Muslim Youth. Some barriers included:
- Racism
- Structural barriers in immigrant-led national organizations
- Lack of knowledge about the lived realities, needs, and strengths of Black Muslim youth
- Inadequate support systems.
As a result, we committed to promoting the development of young people through The Uplifting Black Muslim Youth project. We began to work with community stakeholders to identify research questions and concerns. Given the diversity of Black Muslim communities, the focus of The FYI’s Black Muslim Youth Project is to understand the lived experiences of Black Muslim youth who were raised Muslims and are descendants of individuals who had been forcibly enslaved.
[Note: While there are some similarities and experiences shared with African immigrants, the experience of colonialism and immigration differs profoundly from the experience of enslavement in the U.S. and thus the focus of this research and toolkit is on indigenous Black Muslims.]
Step 2: Research

Research questions were conceptualized working with Black Muslim youth leaders from the Muslim Alliance of North America (MANA). Given the lack of previous psychological research about Black Muslim Youth, we engaged in qualitative, exploratory research through seven focus groups to highlight important themes and issues that can inform future research directions. Individuals were recruited and invited to participate in the research study and give voice to their lived experiences. The study received IRB approval through Wayne State University and data collection was partially funded by The Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU).
Seven focus groups with thirty–one individuals participated in the focus groups held in Detroit, MI. In these groups, participants were asked to share their personal thoughts and experiences on the role of the Black culture/racial identity, religion, family, friends, and Muslim community. The answers were also contextualized by understanding the group’s demographics (age, gender, caregiver, SES), important relationships (parents, friends, etc.), and religious socializing factors impact (space, place, time, individuals).
The initial findings were presented for community input, feedback, and confirmation at the Black Muslim Psychology Conference (2015, 2017, and 2018).

The Academic Presentations and Publications associated with this study:
- Ahmed S, & Abdallah, K. (2023). Young, Black, Muslim American: An intersectional lens to understanding emerging adult religious experiences. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 15(2), 319–329.
- Ahmed S & Muhammad H. (2019) Black Muslim Youth: Navigating their environment, while brokering new pathways. In: Abbas T and Hamid S, eds., Political Muslims: Understanding Youth Resistance in the Global Context, Syracuse University Press;
- Ahmed, S. Hashem, H, Khalid, M. (2020). Uplifting Black Muslim Youth: A Positive Youth Development Approach. The Family & Youth Institute.
- Khan, F. & Ahmed, S. (2010). Peer relations and risky behavior of African American Muslim youth. Presented at the 118th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, August 14, 2010, San Diego, CA.
- Ahmed, S. & Arfken, C. (2009). Intersection of ethnic identity, religiosity, and risky behaviors among second-generation African American Muslim youth. Presented at the 13th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, March, 12, 2010, Philadelphia, PA.
Step 3: Solution Seeking
Based on the research findings, we worked to identify community-based needs and assets through in-person and online forums. In 2018, we returned to The Black Muslim Psychology Conference and engaged in solution-seeking with approximately forty community leaders, clinicians, researchers, educators, and organizers. We also sought solutions through an online needs assessment shared with Black Muslim leaders nationwide to get a wider perspective on the community challenges/barriers, assets, and resource needs in parenting, youth development, mental health, and marriage. The online needs assessment had seventy-one participants with relatively even proportions of men and women.

Step 4: Resource Development
Using the research findings and solution-seeking input to guide resource development, we developed three resources to help uplift Black Muslim youth.

Uplifting Black Muslim Youth: Towards A Positive Youth Development Approach Book
Black Muslim youth stands at the cross-section of anti-Black racism and anti-Muslim sentiments. What is it like to identify with both of these uniquely marginalized groups? How are young Black Muslims thriving in these conditions? What can adults do to ensure optimal development? Following 10 years of work from the authors who have pioneered research on American Muslim youth and counseling Muslims, this groundbreaking book explores the complex factors impacting Black Muslim youth outcomes. Centering on the voices of Black Muslim youth, this book summarizes the latest research and is a road map for individuals and institutions invested in transforming feelings and experiences of marginalization, to those of strength and resiliency.

Uplifting Black Muslim Youth Toolkit
Using the book as a guide, the toolkit gathers free resources to empower individuals and communities to uplift Black Muslim youth. Based on community feedback, two major sections were completed, one geared toward Black Muslims and the other for allies wanting to support, acknowledging each audience’s unique role in promoting growth.
Step 5: Dissemination
We work with partners to continue disseminating the research and resources through research, community meetings, presentations, and collaborations. If you would like to partner to disseminate these resources, please contact us!