“And, (remember) when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.” – Qur’an 8:30
The Supreme Court will rule on Trump v. Hawaii, the Muslim Ban case, in June, and it will likely be next week. Many folks have been eagerly watching the news and the Supreme Court’s website for the latest updates. We just got word that the decision will not come out today (Thursday, June, 14th), but as we go into our Eid Holiday weekend, we wanted to make sure that you had the resources you needed to stay safe and sane in these uncertain times.
If you are looking for more information on the latest decision and what lead up to this point, check out NoMuslimBanEver.com or We Will Not Be Banned.
Below we have included resources that provide tips for stress relief, anxiety, and depression.
Processing Your Fears and Anxiety
You may be feeling anxious and struggling to try to make sense of the political climate and the implications on your family and religious community. Remember what you do have control over and focus on that!
- Take a break – including unplugging from news and social media, and take care of yourself.
- Rely on these suggested coping skills that may help you at this moment.
- Reach out to support people to help you process your thoughts and feelings.
- While you may be stressed, it is important to not pass it on to your children.
- Keep in mind that how adults react has an impact on kids. Children are watching and often know when their parents are going through a stressful situation. Be conscious of what you say, how you say it, and your non-verbals, because children are interpreting your behavior and learning how to react themselves.
- You do not have to be a pillar of strength that seems to have it all together, but you also do not want to be falling apart at the seams. While it is okay for your child to see you in a controlled state of frustration, you want to make sure you are helping them feel secure and reassured that they have a place to come to without making you more upset.
- Make sure you are stable and able to listen to your children because it is the key to helping them in the long run.
Resources on Stress and Anxiety and Depression
Here are some quick tips including self-soothing techniques, breathing exercises and other recommendations from PsychologyToday to calm your body and mind in times of high stress or building anxiety. This resource includes information on diaphragmatic breathing, positive self-talk, and muscle relaxation techniques that can help you in times of great need.
Learn about the 4 A’s of stress relief: Avoid, Alter, Accept, Adapt. Click here to read about each category and how to train yourself to know which method to know when.
This recent New York Times article featuring The FYI includes a number of centers and resources that are available depending on your location in order to get the help you need. It articulates the experience of American Muslims being in “perpetual crisis-mode” and the mental health dangers affiliated with this state.
Many of us are on the go, dealing with our families, our jobs, the commute, or what to have for dinner tonight and don’t feel like we have the time to take a moment and put our mental health needs first. These easy to use apps can help you make that time. Healthline.com has selected these resources based on their quality, user reviews, and overall reliability as a source of support for people living with depression.
Remember “holding fast to the rope of Allah” is key during times like these and looking to the Qur’an and the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a family can help ease some of the anxiety you might be feeling collectively. Here are some reminders to help you remember when at times it may be easy to forget.
We must first remind ourselves and our children that Allah is in full control over everything. This is a cornerstone of our faith.
Abu al-‘Abbas ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abbas (ra) reports:
“One day I was riding behind the Prophet, peace, and blessings be upon him, when he said, ‘Young man, I will teach you some words. Be mindful of Allah, and He will take care of you. Be mindful of Him, and you shall find Him at your side. If you ask, ask of Allah. If you need help, seek it from Allah.”
“Know that if the whole world were to gather together in order to help you, they would not be able to help you except if Allah had written so. And if the whole world were to gather together in order to harm you, they would not harm you except if Allah had written so. The pens have been lifted, and the pages are dry.” Related by Tirmidhi
Since Allah is in control of everything, then everything happens according to His plans. Try as we might, it is impossible for us to comprehend everything and the “big picture”. But Allah in His infinite knowledge and mercy has all factors under consideration and is “the best of planners.”
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If you found these resources useful, join our daily article e-mail list. The Family and Youth Institute seeks to provide research-based resources covering a wide range of topics including youth development, marriage, mental health and well-being, and parenting.