The journey to mental and emotional wellness often requires guidance. Discover the transformative power of therapy with our curated resources, guiding individuals towards holistic healing, self-discovery, and lasting well-being. Whether you’re actively searching for a therapist or seeking to understand the benefits of therapy, our resources will guide you along the way.

5 Things Muslim Therapists Wish You Knew About Children and Domestic Abuse

20 Therapeutic Activities For Teens To Increase Positive Thinking
Changes in behavior, way of thinking, and identity are common during adolescence. But in some teens, these changes could lead...

7 Ways To Find An Affordable Therapist
Therapy can be incredible. Trying to find a therapist you connect with and can afford? Not so much. If you’re...
Grief Support Toolkit
This toolkit provides resources about the grieving process, coping with different kinds of loss, and age-specific grief support for children...

Therapy Guide
Therapy Guide Introduction Have you ever asked yourself, “Should I go to therapy?” If so, do you even know where...
Research & Resource Contributors
At The FYI, we take community education and engagement seriously. Research shows that nurturing relationships, positive experiences, and healthy environments influence positive mental health and well-being. We strive to enhance these qualities by educating and engaging individuals to empower change in communities. We aim to support and uplift young people and their families by conducting original research and translating that research into creative and useful mediums for people like you.

Amal Killawi

Sameera Ahmed

Dua Haggag