In addition to your individual growth, Ramadan is an excellent opportunity to reconnect as a family unit. Experiencing the struggle and hard work of ibadah (worship) can strengthen family bonds. Listen to The FYI’s webinars about how to approach Ramadan as a family.
- Growing in Ramadan as a Family: This webinar discusses practical ways for the whole family to embrace the Ramadan spirit.
- Catch the Blessings: This webinar discusses how to reframe our thinking about Ramadan in quarantine which may be relevant for families who will have a socially distanced Ramadan this year. Many of the tips are about creating new family traditions especially for families who spend the majority of Ramadan at home. See the section titled “Worshiping at Home” for more ideas.
For Married Individuals, Use This Time To Strengthen Your Relationship!

- Refer to this resource on how fathers can plan a Ramadan to remember!
- Make this month an opportunity to improve your character and repair your marriage.
- Foster a sense of togetherness during Ramadan with these tips and ideas.
- If you’re both working from home this Ramadan, find techniques to lessen the stress on your relationship.
- Learn productive ways of dealing with conflict.
- If you are courting or engaged, take The FYI’s Prepare to Pair marriage prep course together. Or check out The FYI’s Marriage Prep Toolkit for more relationship resources.
- Refer to these programs and services for domestic violence victims, survivors, and communities.
- Check out the Relationship Q and A with The FYI’s Community Educator, Steven Hernandez.
For Families With Children Or Teens, Create Family Traditions!
As a family, have a conversation about the traditions you practiced in Ramadan during the pandemic. Which of those traditions would you like to keep this Ramadan? What other traditions do you want to practice as a family? Here are some ideas:
Make a part of your home a “masjid.”
- Mimic the masjid feel by ensuring that the adhan can be heard aloud in the house five times a day. Have a designated muadhin (one who calls to prayer).
- Pray outside or under the stars as a way to connect to nature and the belief that Allah (SWT) is constant no matter the circumstance.
- Set up masjid decor pieces you can take out to signal “masjid” for the family.
- Use rugs, nice smells, dim light, and clean, beautiful clothing that all signal salah time.
- Attach loving gestures and connectedness to thikr activities. Follow the sunnah by playing games and hugging your children after salah.

Set Goals With Your Children

- Talk to them about goals and character development – this helps them develop a growth mindset, and builds their resilience.
- Brainstorm with your children about ways that they want to change. Empower them to make those changes.
- Help them document their success by writing down their goals in a Ramadan journal and using Ramadan charts.
- Check out Ramadan advent calendars as creative ways to provide incentives to kids for sticking to their goals.
- Set up a “good deed everyday” goal.
Help Them Feel The Ramadan Spirit
- Start a gratitude challenge to encourage kids to consistently reflect on what they’re thankful for.
- Increase the visibility of Islamic materials around the home, like placing Islamically-relevant children’s books and magazines out on display.
- Decorate together. Listen to Ramadan nasheed (Islamic songs) or play the Quran to help get everyone in the Ramadan spirit as you decorate the house.
- Involve them in meal planning and cooking, iftar organizing, and general house preparations for Ramadan.
Have family Quran competitions with prizes to keep everyone motivated:
Who read the most minutes/day
Who completed reading the most amount of the Quran
Who spent the most time in reading the meaning of the Quran
Who shared the most number of personal reflections of the Quran
Who has the most beautiful recitation of the Quran
- Engage in charity together, Giving charity is an important aspect of Ramadan, both as a teaching tool and as a way to bond together.
- Get them in the habit of giving money intentionally–how much are they willing to share of what Allah (SWT) has gifted them? Help them create a budget for donations, research and evaluate a charity’s impact and effectiveness, and let them choose where the donations go.
Make Use Of Free Time
Help your children fill their spare time with meaningful activities. Here are some ideas:

- Ramadan Curriculum: 30 Days of Activities
- Noor Kids’ Ramadan activities and Ramadan Camp
- 12 Arts & Crafts for Ramadan
- Ramadan Activities for Toddlers and Young Children
- Enriching activities that children can do while parents work
- 150+ educational shows on Netflix
- Indoor activities for children and parents
Use non-religious activities as a teaching opportunity— help children make a positive intention for engaging in them so that their time, even in Ramadan, is spent earning reward and getting close to Allah (SWT).