Before school starts back up, some sight word practice was needed!
Back to school is just around the corner. In fact, Henry starts tomorrow already. First grade! Wow!
I didn’t realize how fast this summer went by. We really didn’t do anything to prevent the notorious summer slide.
We have been reading at night though. Henry reads a book most every night either to myself or Dad, or even George. I noticed that some sight words have been forgotten… so I knew we’d need to review them before school started back up.
I grabbed his last lists of sight words he passed in Kindergarten and made a game for him to play on the stairs. (We’ve also done a number game on the stairs.)
The goal: to get to the very top!
This is what I did. I wrote his sight words onto sticky notes.
I color coded them, but only for my own purpose, it had nothing to do with the game.
I had four of Henry’s sight word lists that we were going to work on and I wrote each list onto a different colored sticky note. That way I knew the difficulty of the words and what ones were newer to him than others.
I stuck the sticky notes all over the stairs.
At first we did two sight words to practice per step.
I mixed up the colors so that it wasn’t all too easy at the beginning or too hard.