Our latest research shows us that Muslim youth are struggling with pornography. Even though they care about their religion, it does not prevent them from watching it. So, why ARE they watching? What support are they looking for to cope with the shame and guilt they feel, and to quit watching?
Over the years, The FYI has received requests from individuals and communities for resources to support their loved ones struggling with pornography. The FYI embarked on deepening our understanding of pornography among Muslims and creating research-informed, solution-oriented resources. Guided by the principles of community-based participatory research (Wallerstein & Duran, 2010), The FYI partnered with Naseeha and Young Muslims (YM) to conduct a three-pronged community-based, needs assessment of pornography use among American Muslim youth.
For some preliminary answers to these questions, check out: “Silent Struggles: Preliminary Findings on Pornography Among American Muslim Youth”
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