Suicide Prevention
Every twelve minutes a person dies by suicide and Muslims are not immune. Get to know the warning signs, where to go for help and what to say to a friend who is struggling. Use this infographic as a quick reminder of what you can do! Never underestimate that your kindness and attention can serve as a means of prevention, especially if done in an educated manner.
The infographic content was compiled by Mariam Kandil, Ayan Nur, and Sameera Ahmed. The infographic was designed by Sarrah AbuLughod.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). WISQARS™ (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System).
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Lethbridge-Çejku, M., Rose, D., & Vickerie, J. L. (2006). Summary health statistics for the US adults; National health interview survey, 2004.
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