Marriage Prep Workshop
Whether you are searching for a spouse or have been married for a number of years, no relationship is perfect. If you don’t have the skills to help you work through everyday problems, then creating, maintaining, and sustaining a successful relationship will be difficult. Learn the keys to healthy relationships from Family and Youth Institute professionals. The Family and Youth Institute workshops are a powerful resource, which will have lasting benefits for your relationship. As one participant said, “3 years after the marriage workshop, I went back and reviewed my notes.” Help your community “review their notes” and strengthen their relationships through one of The Family and Youth Institute workshops.
This is not your average power-point presentation! This interactive workshop is jam-packed with exciting ways to interact with the information – such as live polling, infographics, videos, and most importantly, time with an expert in the field of marriage and mental health!
Why The FYI
The FYI is a national research and education institute focusing on Muslim mental health and family wellness. Our mission is to strengthen and empower individuals, families, and communities through mental health research and education. The Family and Youth Institute has also designed a vibrant and meaningful range of workshops, lectures, and presentations on topics within our four focus areas related to youth, marriage, parenting, and mental health!

Overview/ Outline

Day 1 – Is My Child Ready for Marriage
(2 hr)
This lecture is designed for parents of marriageable-aged youth. Participants will focus on how to raise children to be good partners with realistic expectations of marriage. As a parent, how do you instill healthy self-development, responsibility, and positive behavioral traits that will help your child become a great partner in their future? What patterns and (good or bad) habits in your own relationship might you be passing on to your child without even realizing it? This lecture also touches on healthy in-law relationships and approaches the topic with research-backed information from an Islamic framework. Participants will leave with a better understanding of what they can do as parents to better prepare their sons and daughters for a healthy marriage and perhaps a few tips on how to better their own marriage relationship.

Day 2 – Before You Say I Do
(6 hr)
How do you find Mr. or Mrs. Right? How do you know if they are the one? How do you avoid becoming another divorce statistic? This in-depth interactive workshop helps individuals thinking about marriage make informed decisions as they search for a life partner. Attendees will engage in self-awareness exercises that will enable them to recognize characteristics in potential partners that will complement their personalities, expectations, and future goals. Professionals will help participants navigate through the often confusing marriage process, highlight red flags of potential partners, and understand how to assess compatibility. Finally, participants will be introduced to the concepts and skills needed for future marital success.
Target Audience
This workshop is curated for parents to provide some resources and tools when it comes to parenting in a healthy and effective manner.
(plus) Travel and accommodations
“The Marriage Prep Workshop provided great insight on the steps to take towards a successful relationship/marriage. It opened our mind to the little questions we thought didn’t matter, thinking it could be figured out later. Only learning that it would be detrimental to a future marriage. There was a fresh understanding created that marriage shouldn’t be seen through a materialistic lens rather a realistic one.”
“I appreciate that The FYI’s pre-marriage workshop used studies and data to drive the topics and lessons about marriage. I feel like most times these workshops are strictly from an Islamic perspective, so being able to hear both the science and religion is appreciated as someone who is in the research field and is data- and science-driven.”
“The workshop was very informational and beneficial. It was relevant for everyone, including those who are younger and are yet to seriously consider marriage. Talks and lectures about marriage often scare off young people but this workshop was executed in such a way that relieved pressure instead of inciting it. Excellent job!”